7 (Mostly) Unknown Facts About Women-Part 3
It’s that time again, time to give up another secret about us women. This one’s real big, so sit tight and be prepared to learn something you never thought you would ever hear about women…
It’s that time again, time to give up another secret about us women. This one’s real big, so sit tight and be prepared to learn something you never thought you would ever hear about women…
Is it true? Does Mr. Right really NOT exist? Unfortunately, no, he doesn’t. But there is a secret that you must learn… Even though he doesn’t exist now, he might pop up unexpectedly in the future…
The power of a thank you and the feelings behind them. People honestly have no idea what it really means. Read and see why…
The power of a thank you and the feelings behind them. People honestly have no idea what it really means. Read and see why…
It’s that time again, time to give up another secret about us women. This one’s real big, so sit tight and be prepared to learn something you never thought you would ever hear about women…
Another Christmas gone, a new year on its way, so it is now time to do a little personal soul searching to see if you are on track with yourself. Join me as I soul search in hopes of a more fulfilling and prosperous life, while learning some things along the way.
This is part 3 in a series on tips of how to tell if the man in your life really wants to be with you. Read on to find the sexual clues he gives out…
Does he really want to be with you? Does he enjoy your company? This is part 2 of a series for women on learning the signals of whether or not the man you want to share your life with, wants to share his with you.
Does he really want to be with you? Does he enjoy your company? This is part 1 of a series for women on learning the signals of whether or not the man you want to share your life with, wants to share his with you.
You did it. You scored that first date. There are so many things you want to do and to know. But this is the one time that you should NOT follow your instincts. Read on to see why…
A few thoughts on dating, relationships and love